The Agile Gender Manifesto

In the current gender landscape, those who fall back on static gender are at a competitive disadvantage. Cisgenderism (gender waterfall) is a legacy process. Continuous delivery of valuable new gender features and implentation of rapidly changing best gender practices is paramount. We welcome changing gender, even late in development. Agile gender harnesses change for the user’s competitive advantage.
We believe it’s important to continuously deliver gender. You are at your most productive when your gender is able to adapt to changing requirements. Therefore, we believe in rapid iteration of gender. This means implementing SCRUM principles to your gender. You are the SCRUM Master of your own gender.
Use sprints to break up your gender tasks. Each sprint is a chance to plan and then execute your gender. This allows you to have the gender you need, not the gender that you assumed you would need 6 months ago.
Estimate how many story points your gender needs for the next sprint. If you don’t complete your gender tasks this sprint, it doesn’t mean that you did anything wrong, it simply means your gender goals were too ambitious. You’re your own gender project manager, so take it easy on yourself. Consider if epilating your legs for the first time was really only 5 story points. If you’re frequently underestimating gender tasks, ask yourself if you have the capacity to do that much gender this sprint.
Use design sprints to improve the aestetic of your gender. Do user research with others about your gender, and create gender journeys that can be translated in to technical requirements for your gender. If you don’t need a pixel perfect rendering of a gender before you start a task, you can use wireframes to give a rough idea of how your gender will look.
At the end of the sprint, invite yourself to a gender retro. How was your gender this sprint? What worked? And what didn’t? Maybe pick an emoji that represents your overall feeling about your gender. My emoji is “person juggling”.

Remember – your gender has only one stakeholder: you. Self organised gender using Agile Gender Principles is the best way to provide the highest return on investment of your gender and stay competitive in a gender landscape which leaves no time for complacency.